Thanks to Helenann Hartley for this: Jesus opera actor Anderson dies Actor and singer Carl Anderson, best known for playing Judas in the roc...

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Thanks to Helenann Hartley for this: Jesus opera actor Anderson dies Actor and singer Carl Anderson, best known for playing Judas in the roc...
Paula Fredriksen has been involved with the controversy over this film from the beginning -- I have mentioned her article Mad Mel here befo...
Last night, Newsnight Review had a feature on The Passion of the Christ -- thanks to David Mackinder for mentioning this. You can view th...
There is a most interesting article by Adele Reinhartz in the latest edition of The New Republic . I may be wrong, but I think the only way...
Thanks to Jim West for this link: Christians, Critics Sound off on Gibson's Passion Stefan Lovgren for National Geographic News This is ...
I mentioned earlier Geza Vermes's comments on The Passion of the Christ now that he has seen a preview (see earlier blog entry ). Verm...
Helenann Hartley asks about the report that someone had a heart attack while watching The Passion of the Christ , something that was mention...
Thanks to Helenann Hartley for sending over the link to this review: Review: Gibson's The Passion of the Christ By Victoria Lindrea Ther...
Thanks to David Mackinder for this one from the New Republic Online . Again, these American film critics really know how to write. How a...
Thanks to Jeff Peterson for sending over this link from the National Review Online : Violence to Scripture? Viewing The Passion. By S. T. Ka...
Here's an interesting review in Africana : Africana Reviews: The Passion of the Christ Mel Gibson has never presented viewers with an in...
An interesting article in today's Guardian : Gibson film ignores vow to remove blood libel Director keeps in infamous line - but in Aram...
Beliefnet have now posted part 3 of the John Dominic Crossan and Ben Witherington III exchange on The Passion of the Christ and, in particu...
I have mentioned William Fulco, S. J. a few times in connection with The Passion of the Christ . On Xtalk , Jeffrey Gibson posts a link to ...
I mentioned this review in quoting from another , but Dwight Peterson helpfully provides the URL for the review: NAILED by DAVID DENBY Mel G...
With a month to go until the release of The Passion of the Christ here in the UK, it is finding its way increasingly into our media, if pri...
Jim West has set up a new blog to accompany his Biblical Studies Resources pages: Biblical Studies Resources A Resource Weblog for all area...
Beliefnet have set up a weblog for news about The Passion of the Christ : Beliefnet's 'Passion' Weblog A continuing update of th...
In Paleojudaica , Jim Davila draws attention to this useful piece at Beliefnet: 'The Passion': What's Not in the Bible--and Why?...
It seems that the competition for the most negative review is hotting up (see earlier blog entry ). Thanks to David Mackinder for sending t...
Jim Davila has collected together and commented on some interesting pieces on the use of Aramaic in The Passion of the Christ : Aramaic spea...
On Xtalk , Bob Schacht has some fascinating reflections on The Passion of the Christ . If you are not subscribed, the previous link will ta...
Holger Szesnat referred me to a the Mikra discussion group for some ebay links to some extraordinary merchandise, mugs, oval pewter pocket ...
Thanks to Holger Szesnat for sending over a link to John Paul Heil's homepage . I have added this to the NT Gateway Scholars: H and in...
Thanks to Jeff Peterson for sending over the link to this funny and poignant take on the Passion hullabaloo by a Jewish actor and humorist i...
I referred to Geoff Pevere's Toronto Star review of The Passion of the Christ as the most negative I'd seen so far. David Mackin...
National Geographic has an article on Mary Magdalene featuring some comments from Karen King; it is spurred on, as usual, by the Da Vinci ...
Thanks to David Mackinder for this link from PBS's Religion and Ethics News Weekly INTERVIEW: Jim Caviezel by Kim Lawton You can read t...
This is pretty much the most negative review I've seen so far, and the first from Canada, from the Toronto Star : A dark and bloody spec...
Thanks to David Mackinder for these links in today's New York Times : Good and Evil Locked in Violent Showdown A. O. Scott . . . . . Wha...
The next few articles in Christianity Today 's March issue, in which The Passion of the Christ is the cover story, have now been posted...
I commented earlier that since the question of stolen script comes up repeatedly in news stories and now even in an academic review, I woul...
The Passion of the Christ is released today in the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. I won't get a chance to see it myself until...
Instead of adding to my continually updated mega-post of yesterday, Passion of the Christ: News and Reviews round-up , I'll begin fresh ...
Thanks to Holger Szesnat for sending over the link to this homepage: Petros Vassiliadis I've added the link to my Scholars: U-Z page. ...
With the release of The Passion of the Christ in the USA tomorrow, it's time to round up some of the news and reviews. I commented ear...
In Paleojudaica , Jim Davila comments on the question of Mel Gibson and holocaust denial, pointing to the Volokh Conspiracy blog, which had...
Christianity Today has now posted on-line more of the material from its latest issue, in which The Passion of the Christ is the cover-stor...
Further to my previous blog entry , I've dug around a little more on William Fulco. This is from an article published in
On RogueClassicism , David Meadows draws attention to this Reuters piece (which you'll find syndicated elsewhere): Scholars find fault i...