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Tuesday 9 March 2004

Info Post
The previous blog entry reminds me that I am over a fortnight late on blogging this (blame it on The Passion):

Filología Neotestamentaria Vol. 7 (1994)

There are three articles available on-line from this volume:

WONG, S., "Leftovers of Louw-Nida's Lexicon. Some Considerations Towards "A Greek-Chinese Lexicon"", Vol. 7 (1994): 137-174

SIBINGA, J.S., "Exploring The Composition of Matth. 5-7. The Sermon on The Mount and some of its "Structures"", Vol. 7 (1994): 175-195

MACÍAS, B., "1 Cor 12,13: UNA CONJETURA RENACENTISTA... kai\ pa&ntej ei0j e3n pneu=ma e0poti/sqhmen.", Vol. 7 (1994): 209-214


Filología Neotestamentaria 8 (1995)

All the articles from this volume are available on-line:

Thomas R. Hatina, "The Perfect Tense-Form in Recent Debate: Galatians as a Case Study.", Vol. 8 (1995): 3-22

Gerard Mussies, "Variation in the Book of Acts (Part II).", Vol. 8 (1995): 23-61

Josep Rius-Camps, "Las variantes de la Recensión Occidental de los Hechos de los Apóstoles (V) (Hch 2,14-40).", Vol. 8 (1995): 63-78

J. Duncan M. Derrett, "zo&nnumi, fe/rw, a!lloj: The Fate of Peter (Jn 21:18-19).", Vol. 8 (1995): 79-84

Juan Mateos-Jesús Peláez, "El adverbio a!rti en el Nuevo Testamento." , Vol. 8 (1995): 85-94

Chrys C. Caragounis, "The Error of Erasmus and Un-Greek Pronunciations of Greek.", Vol. 8 (1995): 151-185

Scot Snyder, "Participles and Imperatives in 1 Peter:A Re-Examination in the Light of Recent Scholarly Trends.", Vol. 8 (1995): 187-198

Josep Rius-Camps, "Las variantes de la Recensión Occidental de los Hechos de los Apóstoles (VI) (Hch 2,41-47)." , Vol. 8 (1995): 199-208

Juan Mateos, "u9pakou/w y términos afines en el Nuevo Testamento.", Vol. 8 (1995): 209-226

Note: it's almost midnight and I have not blogged on The Passion of the Christ all day; almost there.


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