Jim Davila blogged this the other day; I'm behind the times. Here's the contents breakdown for the current Biblical Interpretation (11/3). You can only view the articles if you have an institutional or personal subscription, I'm afraid:
Editor's Preface
Leviticus 16 Als Mitte Der Tora
Rolf Rendtorff
In Words and Pictures: the Sun in 2 Samuel 12:7-12
Van Ellen Wolde
A Prophet Tested: Elisha, the Great Woman of Shunem, and the Story's Double Message
Yairah Amit
Gazing Back At the Shulammite, Yet Again
Athalya Brenner
Seeing Solomon's Palanquin (Song of Songs 3:6-11)
J. Cheryl Exum
Torah and Anti-Torah: Isaiah 2:2-4 and 1:10-26
Francis Landy
Proving Yahweh Killed His Wife (Zechariah 5:5-11)
Diana Edelman
Rhetorische Fragen!? Eine Aufkundigung Des Konsenses Uber Psalm 88:11-13 Und Seine Bedeutung Fur Das Alttestamentliche Reden Von Gott Und Tod
Frank Crüsemann
Psalms, Philippians 2:6-11, and the Origins of Christology
Adela Yarbro Collins
Narrative Christology and the Son of Man: What the Markan Jesus Says
Instead Elizabeth Struthers Malbon
Ezra-nehemiah as a Narrative of (re-invented) Israelite Identity
Philip F. Esler
Israel's Holy Seed and the Foreign Women of Ezra-nehemiah: a Kristevan Reading Harold C. Washington
'Job the Dog': Helene Cixous on Wounds, Scars and the Biblical Text
Hugh S. Pyper
The Morning After in Corinth: Bread-and-butter Notes, Part I
Alice Bach; Jennifer A. Glancy
Stabat Mater? Re-birth At the Foot of the Cross
Ingrid Rosa Kitzberger
We Felt Like Grasshoppers: The Little Ones in Biblical Interpretation
David E. Orton
Evil At Odds with Itself (Matthew 12:22-29): Demonising Rhetoric and Deconstructive Potential in the Matthean Narrative
Bruce W. Longenecker
Revelation, Atonement and the Scope of Faith in the Epistle to the Hebrews: a Deconstructive and Reader-response Interpretation
Dan O. Via
The Syrians in the Book of the Divided Kingdoms: A Literary/theological Approach
David Jobling
'Rouzing the Faculties to Act': William Blake, Merkabah Mysticism, the Theology of Liberation and the Exegetical Importance of Experience
Christopher Rowland
Biblical Scholarship in Public Discourse
Norman K. Gottwald
Loitering with Intent: Biblical Texts in Public Places
R.S. Sugirtharajah
Toward a Pastoral Reading of the Bible Not Confined to the Church
Jorge Pixley
Questing or Sense-making? Some Thoughts on the Nature of Historiography
Bernard C. Lategan
"Ja, Bin Denn Ich An Gottes Stelle?" (Genesis 50:19) Beobachtungen Und Uberlegungen Zu Einem Schlusselsatz Der Josefsgeschichte Und Den Vielfachen Konsequenzen Aus Einer Rhetorischen Frage
Jürgen Ebach
Discoursing Old Testament Theology
Ben C. Ollenburger
Historical and Canonical Aspects of a New Testament Theology
Robert Morgan
Biblical Challenges to a Theology of Love
Werner G. Jeanrond
Biblical Interpretation
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