I had meant to blog on this when I arrived in Atlanta last Friday but didn't get time. One of the big stories in Atlanta came from the Evangelical Theological Society who meet each year just before the SBL meeting. This year they had a big vote on whether or not to exclude two members, Clark Pinnock and John Sanders, because of their views on "open theism". In the end the society voted not to throw them out. There are several versions of the story on the web. For a shorter version go to this one on Crosswalk:
Russell Shubin, "A Referendum on Open Theism?".
For all the detail, go to this one on Christianity Today:
David Neff, Dispatch from Atlanta: What Fireworks?
Anxieties and attack turn to grace and truth as the Evangelical Theological Society votes on Open Theism proponents' membership.
Other news from Atlanta: Open theism vote
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