Other SBL Blogs
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Don't forget to go to Hypotyposeis, Paleojudaica and AKMA's Random Thoughts for more and varied reflections on the SBL. I saw all three fellow bloggers at the SBL, though AKMA only briefly as we both dashed in opposite directions. Jim Davila kindly performed a BUWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! for me when we met on the Saturday morning; now that audio blogging is available, perhaps he could perform this for the masses? Stephen Carlson I saw frequently at the SBL and got to hear hot off the press some very interesting new discoveries and possible discoveries he's made; really looking forward to seeing them published. In years to come no doubt there will be myriads of other bloggers at the SBL and people will laugh as they look back to 2003 and say, "Good grief; were there really so few blogs in the olden days?" and we will be proud to have been there early on. AKMA will be prouder still -- he was even blogging at the SBL in November 2002.
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