I've adjusted the URL for Matthew Robinson's Classical Greek Fonts and Utilities on my Greek fonts page. Thanks to Wim Pelt for f...

south asia countries list, south asia development, news on asia, archaeologist training, human archaeology
I've adjusted the URL for Matthew Robinson's Classical Greek Fonts and Utilities on my Greek fonts page. Thanks to Wim Pelt for f...
Another addition to my Journals page is: Currents in Theology and Mission The full text of volumes from 2002-3 is freely available at the F...
Thanks to Holger Szesnat for pointing out this useful reorganisation of the Orion site and specifically its Symposia author index which pro...
I have updated the links to Semeia on my Journals page. Full on-line versions free to all users of issues 79-81 and 83-91 (PDF) are avail...
BBC Manchester and Online are holding a live debate about The Passion of the Christ tonight at 22:00--01:00 BST and you can join in. Detai...
Here's one for American readers, from the Religion Press Release Service: INTERFAITH DIALOGUE ON HALLMARK CHANNEL "LIGHT ON: GIBSON...
A positive review in the Manila Times : The passion of Mel Gibson By Dennis Ladaw Mel Gibson succeeds in conveying the ugliness of violence....
Thanks to Charity Dell for sending this over and for permission to reproduce it here: Everyone viewing THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST sees this f...
Thanks to Helenann Hartley for this link to Sunday Sequence which features a discussion of the Passion of the Christ and has 5-10 minute i...
BBC Religion and Ethics have provided a summary of their programming over the Easter period, which may be of interest to some, mainly UK rea...
It's time for another Passion of the Christ round up. The Guardian reports on its UK success: Passion crowns UK box office Mel Gibso...
Thanks to Mark Elliott for this latest on the Bible and Interpretation Essays on the Passion , now building up to a very valuable collection...
Channel 4 is showing a documentary on the Turin Shroud tonight at 9 pm, part of the Secrets of the Dead series: Series in which forensic sc...
I was going to blog this article from Ship of Fools on Friday (see previous entry) but decided it needed to be dignified with its own separ...
Thanks to Helenann Hartley for this one from BBC News: Passion ignites world audiences The Passion of the Christ, which has aroused controve...
Thanks to Mark Elliott for this; Bible and Interpretation have added another article to their Passion of the Christ essays page: A Judaic...
The Passion of the Christ is released in the UK today. The film has prompted a discussion on BBC Radio FiveLive this morning, underway as...
I obviously spoke too soon earlier. Peter Bradshaw's review of The Passion of the Christ is published in this morning's Guardian ...
I am just sending out the invitation for the British New Testament Conference 2004. If you are not on the mailing list, the invitation is ...
Thanks to Michael Pahl for this very negative reaction to The Passion of the Christ from a fellow Brummie: Scandalous travesty of the gospe...
And today's Independent asks a handful of viewers what they they think of The Passion of the Christ : 'For some it will be an evang...
Today's Times has a very positive review of The Passion of the Christ . Given Mark Kermode's positive review in The Observer , it...
BBC1's Breakfast News this morning had a feature on The Passion of the Christ presented by Tom Brook, the American film correspondent. ...
Thanks to Melisso Quero at the BBC for this update on the Bible Mysteries television series. The next episode is to air on BBC2 at 12.40 p...
Jim Davila's Paleojudaica blog is a year old today (well, now yesterday). Many happy returns. I began reading Paleojudaica from the b...
Spotted a preview tonight for a programme on Mel Gibson and The Passion of the Christ on Sunday, 9 pm, Channel 4, Mel Gibson - God's Le...
News of another death while someone was viewing The Passion of the Christ . Thanks to Helenann Hartley for this link from BBC News: Pastor ...
This article from the Los Angeles Times is slightly off topic, as it were, but it may be of interest to some and has one or two great lines...
Here's news to brighten up everyone's day. Monty Python's Life of Brian is to be re-released in the USA (and let's hope el...
The Guardian has a nice Jesus films quiz to celebrate the arrival in the UK of The Passion of the Christ : Christ in the Movies Christ in t...
Stephen Carlson informs me that his Hypotyposeis blog and Synoptic Problem web page will be down for a few days but due to return on April 1...
The Passion of the Christ begins two days of preview screenings in the UK today ahead of its national release on Friday: The Passion of the...
Latest SBL Review of Biblical Literature reviews (I'm listing the NT ones): van Aarde, Andries Fatherless in Galilee: Jesus as a Child ...
I'm sorry to see tonight that Beliefnet have removed a lot of the material from their excellent site about The Passion of the Christ an...
Thanks to David Mackinder for the link to this well-written article on The Passion of the Christ from the Chronicle of Higher Education ...
My university email address is now working again and the university web sites all appear to be back on-line.
And here's one not to miss. Thanks to Mark Nanos for sending this over: The Missing Logic that Threatens the Jewish Other: [PDF] A Re...
In a comment to an earlier post , Darko points out that the Rotten Tomatoes site has over 200 reviews of The Passion of the Christ : The Pa...
An interesting and provocative piece today on The Passion of the Christ in Laksamana.net: The Politics and Economics Portal , with the now ...
My Birmingham email address appears to be down along with all the Birmingham University web sites. If you need to get in touch, please use ...
IMDb now has an absolutely massive list of reviews for The Passion of the Christ , at the moment 156 and counting. These are collected from...
Thanks to Helenann Hartley for this from CNN: Spielberg: Won't comment on 'Passion' First person he'll talk to will be Gibso...
Sunday this morning (BBC Radio 4) kicked off with a short discussion of The Passion of the Christ ahead of its UK release this week. Two ...
On Paleojudaica , Jim Davila comments on the "Mel Gibson as holocaust denier meme" in the following article: The Protocols of Mel ...
Yesterday's Guardian has a piece on The Passion of the Christ ahead of its UK release next week: Passion players Mel Gibson's The...
Thanks to Holger Szesnat for pointing out this excellent site: Livius - Articles on Ancient History By Jona Lendering This is a series of cl...
Christian History has a piece on the the medieval Passion plays and how an understanding of them informs one's appreciation of The Pass...
Thanks to Gail Dawson for this one from the Jerusalem Post , which I am noting a little belatedly -- it's a week old -- butr I didn'...
Thanks to David Mackinder for this link: Passion Play Monday 05 of April, 2004 at 6.45pm - A special evening to discuss the significance of ...
To coincide with the UK release of The Passion of the Christ, the reJesus web site has set up some materials: Expressions: The Passion Movie...
Although the official UK release of The Passion of the Christ is listed for March 26 (Friday), a quick glance around local cinemas confirms...
On Germany's reaction to the film ahead of its release there later this week, this BBC News story (thanks to Helenann Hartley and Bible ...
Ben Witherington III's response has now been added in Round 5 of the Scholarly Smackdown on The Passion of the Christ : Round 5: Ben Wi...
On the Textweek weblog, Jenee Woodard announces that she has put together the following very useful compendium of links: "The Passion ...
Oxford University Press have just released this new book: Paul - His Story Jerome Murphy-O'Connor, Professor of New Testament at the Eco...
Thanks to David Mackinder for this one: Whose Passion? Media, Faith & Controversy Wednesday, March 3, 2004 5:00 pm Taper Hall Room 10...