Breaking News
Friday, 12 March 2004

Info Post
On Biblical Studies Resources Weblog, Jim West mentions this article from The Guardian:

University bans staff websites after anti-semitism row

Polly Curtis

The gist is that members of staff used to be able to apply for personal web space on a central university server at the "" address. This has now been stopped. According to the above article, this was because of a row over anti-semitic content on one of the sites, but this was news to me -- I had been told that it was just because the old web server was being wound down and that the new policy was that staff with "personal" web space could transfer any academic materials onto the official university site. But whatever the background, this has not affected me because I keep my official homepage and university related materials on our main Department of Theology web site, for which I have the overall responsibility in any case, and all the rest of my stuff, e.g. the New Testament Gateway and weblog, is based in my own personal space at So there's no need to be concerned that any of my material will be disappearing. Having said that, I notice that my colleage Prof. David Parker's web page has disappeared since it was on the server so I will have a look to see if it can be rescued and put on our official site.


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