Breaking News
Wednesday, 10 March 2004

Info Post
Jim West notes in Biblical Studies Resources this Reuters article on a repeat screening for the CBS Mini Series Jesus (dir. Roger Young, 1999):

CBS to bring "Jesus" mini-series back

In the UK the film only received its network premier recently, just before Christmas last year, but it was stuck in the middle of the day on BBC2 so did not get a big audience. Apparently CBS are planning only to show the second half, which is a shame since the first half has some fine moments, e.g. Jesus' relationship with Mary of Bethany and Jesus' dancing. But they must be encouraged to show the so-called "international" version of this film, which has a different ending from the one which aired previously, the version that is on the video. I've seen both versions, the "CBS" one and the "international" one and the latter is greatly preferable, finishing with Jesus in modern day garb followed by children in the streets of Malta. David Bruce at Hollywood Jesus has a good site on this and some clips:

The differences between the CBS and International Versions


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