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Monday, 1 March 2004

Info Post
Here's another article quoting John Dominic Crossan's views on The Passion of the Christ:

Biblical scholar criticizes 'Passion'

Noted theologian to visit Lawrence for workshops

By Jim Baker, Journal-World
"There's not much more that I can say other than this is the most savage movie I have ever seen. I've never seen anything like this. It is two hours of unrelenting brutality," said Crossan, who saw "The Passion" Wednesday at a theater near the Orlando, Fla., suburb where he lives.

"That has actually raised for me the issue of whether it's actually pornographic to watch this for two hours."
That's several times now that the word pornographic has been used in reviews of this film. Crossan also comments on the film's theology:
As disturbing as he found the violence in "The Passion," Crossan said he was more shocked by the vivid display of director Gibson's personal theology and the Christian thought upon which it draws: displaced punishment, the idea Jesus had to accept divine judgment due all the world for its sin.

"Vicarious atonement, when it's laid out theologically, sounds rather nice. But actually what Gibson has done is made us face what it looks like. And I think he may have laid bare the savage heart of that theology," Crossan said.

"He forces us, I think, to look at that and ask: Do we believe in this God? And secondly, Should we? And what are the alternatives?" . . . .


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