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Tuesday, 2 March 2004

Info Post
Ben Witherington III has a review of The Gospel of John on the Christianity Today web site:

The Gospel of John

review by Dr. Ben Witherington, III

Although in some sections he prefers Zeffirelli's Jesus of Nazareth, he liked the film very much indeed:
. . . . It all adds up to what I think is the best portrayal of Jesus ever offered in a feature length film . . . . .

. . . . . But these are niggling complaints. On the whole, the portrayal is telling and sometimes compelling—thanks especially to the fine acting by Henry Ian Cusick, who plays Jesus. With a beguiling simple grace and style, Cusick convincingly presents us with a Jesus who is both human, and so very clearly more than human—no small task. There is a warmth and passion to Cusick's winsome portrayal. He tells his first followers "Come and see," and even as a viewer, you want to do so.
I agree with Witherington on this one. The Gospel of John is a tremendous achievement. Cusick's portrayal of Jesus has made me rethink the way I view the Johannine Christ.


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